Friday, June 19, 2009

A Day in the Park

Last week Marv and I took a day away from our yard work and took our little grandson, Jack (2 1/2) , to Liberty Park. We had the BEST day! We took our stale bread and fed the ducks and geese.

He wasn't the least bit afraid of those big geese... Gigi was though! He thoroughly loved the downy little goslings and the stray feathers on the ground.

Then we went over to the Park's Tracy Aviary. We explained to Jack that it is a 'bird zoo'. We saw so many different kinds of birds. We saw a huge vulture, bigger than Jack, take a bath, flapping his big wings... all sorts of unusual cranes, hornbills clowning around, tons of parrots.

Here a parrot is chewing on Papa's sunglasses... Jack got a kick out of that. We got to watch a bird show with a trainer having the birds do all sorts of tricks. Great fun.

Afterwards we had an almond butter and jelly picnic and then hit the rides. Jack had a little Batman figure that he was playing with and he made a Beeline right to the Batman Plane Ride.

Then Jack and I took a ride on the Ferris Wheel. He is loves his Peter Pan movie and we sang Peter Pan's song... 'I can fly! I can fly! I can Flyyyyyy! as we rose high up into the air.

And then we headed over the the carousel. Jack wanted to ride the "Big Pink Horse" because pink is his favorite color... tee hee. Big pink horse, coming right up!

This picture is a little blurry, but sort of artsy. After the carnival rides we spent over an hour on the playground. Jack has great balance and is not afraid of even the tallest slides. It was the happiest of days and Marv and I both agreed that this is what life is all about... time with family and especially grandchildren. It makes me feel like I am 2 because I get to see everything fresh and new through his toddler eyes. The simplest things are so full of wonder. Very Zen... very in the moment. He really is the sweetest boy! I love being his Gigi.


  1. Will you be my Gigi too?

    Seriously, you brought a bit of a child to all of us with this post, and made me miss SLC a bit. I moved there with my family in 6th grade, and then again from soph year high school on. My parents still live in Sandy, while I'm in Los Angeles, so when I visit I occasionally post about UT stuff on my own blog. Anyway, Liberty park is one of my favorite spots in the valley.

    Love your garden too! I'm totally jealous.

    Hey, wanted to tell you--there's a Dahlia show in Utah in September. Check this out:

    Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. How did you ever find me? Glad to have another reader, and now I'll be checking in on you!

    "Within My Means" @

  2. Looks like your blog is fairly new. You're on blogger, like I am, and I've learned a lot this year just by doing, so feel free to drop me a note if you have any blogging/tech questions.

  3. And that last photo--not "blurry" but "child in action"! Shows how fast they move....hard to get a handle on kids with any camera.
